Members Directory EILA

Here’s an alphabetical list of full members.
You can filter your search by member’s specialty and/or country, and first or last name.

Found 156 Members
1 2 3 7
CountryFull NameEmail addressPhone Number
CountryFull NameEmail addressPhone Number
USAGregg Alf 1-734-219-4222
FranceEric Aouat 33-611-424-428
USACarlos Arcieri
United KingdomTim Baker 44 1865 76 15 58
SwedenPaul Barter 46-8-673 19 90
FranceJacques Bauer 33-241-88-10-25
SwitzerlandRoland Baumgartner 41-79-506 54 27
PortugalChristian Bayon 351-964632117
United KingdomCharles Beare
United KingdomPeter W.R. Beare +44 (0)1892 871102
FranceMaurice Beaufort 33381813098
USAMichael D. Becker 1-847-823-5491
AustraliaRainer Beilharz 61-3-5473-4404
USAHans Benning 1-818-762-1374
USAEric Benning 1-818-762-1374
FranceSylvain Bigot +33 0610284574
ItalyEric Blot 39-0372-801-706
SwitzerlandSerge Boyer 33-1-45-22-05-18
USADavid R. Burgess 1-734-668-7803
PortugalAntónio Capela 351-22-734-06-58
PortugalJoaquim António Capela 351-918345308
ItalyBruce A. Carlson 39-0372-35582
United KingdomIris Carr +447796856929
USARobert Cauer 1-323-460-6815
Chinese TaipeiJui-Cheng Chen 886930568118
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