Members Directory EILA

Here’s an alphabetical list of full members.
You can filter your search by member’s specialty and/or country, and first or last name.

Found 156 Members
CountryFull NameEmail addressPhone Number
CountryFull NameEmail addressPhone Number
AustraliaAlex Grant 61-3-9417-4930
GermanyKlaus Grünke 49-9133-797-905
ItalyGian Carlo Guicciardi 39-059-469819
BelgiumPierre Guillaume 32-2-5141871
USADavid Gusset 1-541-342-2772
USALynn Armour Hannings 2075044148
GermanyRagnar Hayn +49(0)3043734171
DenmarkMads Hjorth +45 20413989
FranceCharles-Luc Hommel 33-4-91-54-27-78
NetherlandsLambert Houniet +31(0)23-7435369
ChinaTianreng Hua +86 13701910270
Icelandhans johannsson +3548978698
GermanyAndreas Kägi 49-30-881-54 89
FranceMarcus Klimke 0033(0)613642963
GermanyDaniel Kogge +49 30 31 50 52 35
GermanyHieronymus Köstler 49-711-602-601
USAAndreas J. Krause 1-314-862-5808
USAMarkus Laine 9176010858
USAChristophe Landon
AustriaOtmar Lang 43-1-2700939
ItalyNicola Lazzari 39-0374-361-439
FranceLoïc Le Canu 33142934740
FranceYannick Le Canu 33 320 42 4688
FranceNicolas Le Canu 0033142934740
SwedenStefan Lindholm